Request for Comment: IACET 1-2023 Standard for Continuing Education and Training

The IACET Council on Standards Development seeks a second round of public comments on the draft of the IACET 1-2023 Standard for Continuing Education and Training as part of its systematic review of the Standard.

Second Public Review (January 2024)

Draft shows Proposed Changes to Current Draft Standard made to comply with ANSI’s Commercial Terms and Conditions Policy.

This draft has been recommended for public review by the CET Standards Development Committee. To submit a comment on this proposed standard complete the form below. The draft is subject to modification until it is approved for publication by the IACET Council for Standards Development and ANSI. Until this time, the current edition of the standard remains in effect.

Note: This limited revision 2nd public review draft makes proposed substantive changes to the current draft standard to comply with ANSI’s Commercial Terms and Conditions Policy. These changes are indicated in the text by underlining (for additions) and strikethrough (for deletions) except where the reviewer instructions specifically describe some other means of showing the changes. Only these changes to the current draft standard are open for review and comment at this time. Additional material is provided for context only and is not open for comment except as it relates to the proposed changes.

To submit a comment in response to IACET's "Request for Comments," complete the form and press the Submit button. Anonymous comments will be discarded; you must provide your name and return email address. If you have comments on multiple lines or sections, submit a separate comment form for each one (i.e., do not use one form to submit multiple comments, one comment per issue).  The comments period closes on February 18, 2024.



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