IACET provides guidance and standardization to drive continuous improvement in the quality of learning events worldwide.
As such, the resources of IACET and the expertise of our Accredited Providers (APs) and Individual Affiliates are strengthened by the invaluable contributions of our Corporate Affiliates and Sponsors. Partnering with IACET promotes innovation at the intersection of the CE/T and vendor communities, empowering global workers to thrive in a rapidly evolving workforce.
The contributions of IACET’s Sponsors and Partners help support the accrediting body’s various programs, reaching audiences across multiple industries and professional fields. With an IACET partnership or sponsorship, everyone wins.
Download IACET’s 2023 4th Annual CET Conference Exhibitor & Sponsorship Prospectus
As the Voice of Continuing Education & Training (CE/T) Accreditation, the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) provides guidance and standardization to drive continuous improvement in the quality of CE/T learning events that support the development objects of learners, advance workforce excellence, and impact organizational success of our stakeholders.
Converging the CE/T Ecosystem, IACET brings together training companies, trade associations, college and university academics, EdTech providers, and more. Furthering this mission, IACET regularly attends meetings, conferences, and expos across the country to foster community relationships and elevate the continuing education and training field. Interested in us attending your event in person or virtually? Review our Conferencing Characteristics below and connect with our team!
IACET’s Conferencing Characteristics
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Adult, continuing, and community education associations across the globe all share the need to disseminate information about their professional development opportunities and other work done by their associations. Adult educators from all facets of the field need to be able to connect with one another at times when many voices acting as one is more powerful than a single voice acting alone. Only by connecting and collaborating will we be able to ensure the ultimate vision expressed by AAACE of a “more humane world made possible by the diverse practice of our members in helping adults acquire the knowledge, skills and values needed to lead productive and satisfying lives.”
The Corporate Affiliate program is designed for organizations that support IACET and its mission to promote the continuing education and training industry but are not direct providers of continuing education and training themselves, so are not eligible to seek accreditation or become accredited.
Corporate Affiliates receive various benefits including:
The Corporate Affiliate fee is $2,495/year