Posted on: May 15, 2017

Tell us about the return on investment (ROI) from IACET and get a chance to win one of three $50 gift cards

IACET Accreditation provides compelling benefits for training organizations that choose to earn and maintain the rigorous Standard. Benefits of IACET accreditation include:

  1. Receiving a globally recognized benchmark for quality continuing education and training (CE/T).
  2. Peer review for the CE/T the organization’s processes and policies.
  3. Regulatory compliance (in select industries and professions.) 
  4. Access to numerous educational opportunities to keep up with CE/T best practices and technological advances.
  5. Promotion on social media and digital publications.
  6. Annual recognition opportunity at IACET’s Exemplar Award ceremony.
  7. And more.

We find that training providers often have their own story about how they achieve a return on investment after receiving IACET accreditation. 


Fill in the brief form to provide your testimonial about the ROI of IACET accreditation. Keep in mind, you do not have to provide sensitive or confidential information.  Must be an accredited provider to submit. After you submit, IACET will enter you in a drawing for one three $50 gift cards to one of the following (amazon, or iTunes). The deadline to submit is Friday, May 26th at 5 p.m. EDT.







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