Ensuring a streamlined IACET accreditation review


The applications for IACET initial and reaccreditation require the applicant to upload documents to show compliance to each of the elements in the ANSI/IACET 1-2018 Standard for Continuing Education and Training.  The desire for a provider to share with the reviewers all the details regarding their programs can cause the applicant to overlook and disregard the guidance given throughout the applications. In most cases, less is more.

AR/VR: What's the difference for learning?


How do you train for high-risk situations without putting your employees at risk? Introducing your employees to real-world situations in a safe, controlled environment is one of the best use-cases for augmented and virtual reality. Even low-risk, high-stress situations, like punching in the correct order on a point of sale system while an impatient line of customers forms, can be trained through a new reality.

From 73 to 17 - Streamlining IACET Re-accreditation


When seeking accreditation for the first time through IACET, a provider must document they meet the standards by uploading 73 different pieces of evidence.  In 2018, the IACET Council for Standard Development introduced the new and streamlined re-application for accredited providers (APs).  That new re-application process asks for only 17 items in the application.  The reaccreditation process is now streamlined in response to the needs of IACET APs. 

Your IACET Dashboard


As an accredited provider or individual member, you have access to a wealth of information on the IACET website; from recorded webinars to statistics to help your organization see the benefits of accreditation.   The best way to access this information is to log into the website.


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