New Resources for Applicants


After purchasing the ANSI/IACET Standard 1-2018 for Continuing Education and Training, organizations seeking accreditation complete an application.  As an applicant begins to provides information in the application, she may have questions or need some guidance.  To aid applicants, IACET has a selection of documents and white papers available to assist.

Self-Audit Checklists: Essential to the Annual Report


Each year, on their anniversary, Accredited Providers (APs) are required to submit an annual report along with membership dues.  The annual report with a self-audit is a requirement for maintaining accreditation and is essential for an organization’s ability to continue to claim IACET AP status and issue IACET CEUs.

Policy Documentation for Accreditation


IACET requires policies and processes to be submitted as part of the accreditation process to document compliance with the Standard.  Discover what policy is relative to the Standard, and learn some general considerations you should bear in mind as you write, revise, and submit your policies as part of your application for accreditation.

Need to Learn More about Open Digital Badges?: Remember These 6 Words


As TD professionals, one way we can encourage more learning is by deploying technologies that engage and motivate while re-skilling the workforce.  Open Digital Badges (AKA Digital Micro-Credentials) offer an excellent opportunity to achieve these goals.  

My interest in Open Digital Badges (ODBs) was peaked after receiving several badges in conjunction with completing Future Workplace’s excellent AI4HR 5-week online course earlier this year.  I found the opportunity to receive badges for incremental learning and at the end of the course motivational. 

Timelines for IACET Accreditation


IACET summarizes the timelines for accreditation and reaccreditation submissions by providers.  This will help everyone know what to expect when applications are submitted.


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