How to Form a Relationship with Your Coach


Coaching is becoming common across many organizations. If coaching works for top athletes, Fortune 500 companies, and other professions, why shouldn’t educators capitalize on the benefits of coaching as well? Find out more about how to form a relationship with your coach in this blog article brought to you by IACET and Teachstone.

7 Elements of Effective Professional Development


Like so many things, the key to understanding best practices for effective teacher professional development (PD) resides in between the intersection of research and human determination. A recent report published by the Learning Policy Institute on effective teacher PD programs is an exemplar of this. They reviewed 35 methodologically rigorous studies that all showed a positive link between professional development and student outcomes.

Do You Know the Difference Between Generation X, Y & Z?


It's easy to get lost in jargon, but knowing your Gen X, Y and its younger sibling, Gen Z, is crucial if you want to join the party and ensure your training clicks with the audience. Check out my quick guide to the who, what and why of Gen X, Y & Z. P.S Sue Brett, CEO of, provides vital information on these diverse groups of learners.

Harnessing the Power of Pre-existing Knowledge – A Fantastic Voyage


Take a journey with me into the mind of an adult learner. As if we were a microbial sized vehicle reminiscent of the one in 1966 movie Fantastic Voyage.  As we journey through the body and enter the learner’s mind, we see a massive network of interconnected pathways all lit by electrical charges moving back and forth across the network.  From your knowledge of the mind, you know that when these electrical charges are firing from one place to another, something is happening in the person’s mind and it could very well be learning.


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